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My first 100 days 

Eszter Vitorino - Fuleky

I was excited about joining the RI (Responsible Investment) team at KCM because I was aware of the team's effort in responsible, sustainable and impact investing. I also believe that active ownership, a close assessment of investee companies and direct engagement with them is necessary to bring about positive change.

And what I found out after I joined made me even more excited about my new role: sustainability is integrated in the thinking of all investment teams. Portfolio managers have in depth knowledge of sustainability issues, integrate this into their valuation models,  they vote at the annual meetings of companies themselves and take the lead on engaging with investees.  The RI team is involved throughout and we work to keep raising the bar and ensuring a company-wide alignment on how sustainability is considered in our investments and all other activities. Much of the excitement and success is due to the thoughtfulness and the 'active sustainability' approach that the portfolio managers and the senior management generate.

There is so much more to Kempen than meets the eye.